

White Goods: New energy efficiency regulations will make household appliances more affordable and sustainable

An announcement from the UK Government on March 10th, 2021 outlined plans to implement legislation which will make appliances like fridges, washing machines, and televisions cheaper to run and longer lasting. UK consumers will soon find that their home appliances have a longer lifespan and greater cost-effectiveness, following the announcement of new energy efficiency legislation …

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Returns and Refunds at Christmas – Your Rights

2020 has brought unprecedented changes to the way we do many things – including how we shop. This Christmas season, it is especially important to be aware of your options when it comes to returning items, especially during a time when many of us are turning to online retailers for our holiday purchases.      …

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Cyber Monday: Avoiding Counterfeit Electronics and Issues with Games Consoles

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are set to be more popular than ever this year, with many retailers offering early and extended sales on the must-have items for Christmas. Cyber Monday presents an opportunity to pick up the latest gadgets and electrical equipment, including the newest releases of games consoles. With the genuine retailers out …

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Using Video Conferencing Applications and Software Safely this Festive Season

With the announcement of tier 4 restrictions across Scotland taking effect from Boxing Day, many of us will be turning again to video conferencing as an alternative to physically attending gatherings this New Year’s Eve. With the various platforms that are out there, ensuring that any interaction is safe and secure is as important now …

Using Video Conferencing Applications and Software Safely this Festive Season Read More »

Cyber Security – Protecting Your Information When Shopping Online

Cyber scams can come in various forms and impact consumers in different ways. With a variety of methods employed by scammers to gather consumer information, being aware can ensure that we are not caught out. This is particularly relevant when shopping online, with scammers utilising social media platforms and cloned websites to gather personal information. …

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Covid-19 Scams – Protecting Your Information, Your Finances, and Your Family

Scammers are continually finding more inventive ways of obtaining our personal information and are more convincing than ever, when reassuring us that they are contacting us from trusted, reputable sources. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, has seen the number of reports of scams increase, demonstrating not only the more complex methods employed …

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Gizmos and Gadgets – Avoiding Impulse Purchases and Understanding Consumer Psychology

For most of us, the purchase of a new gadget is exciting.  Opening the box and holding something which feels and looks shiny and new can be a great feeling. This interaction between the shiny new item, the act of opening the packaging and the anticipation of the experience is an important driver in encouraging …

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Cyber Security Week – Protecting Your Information and Avoiding the Scammers

Cybercrime indiscriminately affects organisations and individuals in some form or another. The ripple effect caused by this type of scam impacts private individuals and large organisations alike. As scammers adapt and react to counter-criminal measures, it’s worth knowing what we, as consumers, can do to stop them in their tracks. The BCS (formerly British Computer …

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Keeping Communication Current: Top Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Expense

Tablet, Mobile Phone, Laptop, 4G TV with 3 different subscriptions and internet access. That’s a list of my own telecommunication devices, subscriptions and monthly costs that enable me to keep fully involved and interacting effectively with what is happening in the world. It’s a shopping list that seems to grow in length with every passing …

Keeping Communication Current: Top Tips to Avoid Unnecessary Expense Read More »