
Cyber Security

I think that I have been scammed. I provided access to my router and laptop to someone claiming to be from Virgin Media and they have taken money from my bank account. Can you help?

There has been an increase in the number of reports from Scottish consumers who have been contacted by scammers claiming to be calling from Virgin Media and other internet service providers. These scammers often request access to be granted to the devices that their targets own, including laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. Access is usually …

I think that I have been scammed. I provided access to my router and laptop to someone claiming to be from Virgin Media and they have taken money from my bank account. Can you help? Read More »

FluBot Delivery Scams: Android Users Targetted by Scammers

Consumers have reported receiving text messages regarding deliveries, some of which contain links to download an app. Scammers are using this ploy to install malware on the mobile devices of the consumers being targeted. This malware allows the scammer to access the target’s devices and access information such as bank details. Malware can also spread …

FluBot Delivery Scams: Android Users Targetted by Scammers Read More »

Cyber Scotland Week – Protecting Your Information and Avoiding the Scammers

Cybercrime indiscriminately affects organisations and individuals in some form or another. The ripple effect caused by this type of scam impacts private individuals and large organisations alike. As scammers adapt and react to counter-criminal measures, it’s worth knowing what we, as consumers, can do to stop them in their tracks. The BCS (formerly British Computer …

Cyber Scotland Week – Protecting Your Information and Avoiding the Scammers Read More »

Using Video Conferencing Applications and Software Safely this Festive Season

With the announcement of tier 4 restrictions across Scotland taking effect from Boxing Day, many of us will be turning again to video conferencing as an alternative to physically attending gatherings this New Year’s Eve. With the various platforms that are out there, ensuring that any interaction is safe and secure is as important now …

Using Video Conferencing Applications and Software Safely this Festive Season Read More »

Cyber Security – Protecting Your Information When Shopping Online

Cyber scams can come in various forms and impact consumers in different ways. With a variety of methods employed by scammers to gather consumer information, being aware can ensure that we are not caught out. This is particularly relevant when shopping online, with scammers utilising social media platforms and cloned websites to gather personal information. …

Cyber Security – Protecting Your Information When Shopping Online Read More »

Cyber Security Week – Protecting Your Information and Avoiding the Scammers

Cybercrime indiscriminately affects organisations and individuals in some form or another. The ripple effect caused by this type of scam impacts private individuals and large organisations alike. As scammers adapt and react to counter-criminal measures, it’s worth knowing what we, as consumers, can do to stop them in their tracks. The BCS (formerly British Computer …

Cyber Security Week – Protecting Your Information and Avoiding the Scammers Read More »