

Making the Most of our Money as Consumers – #simplifyspending

Everyone is seeing the cost of household bills and shopping increase. Whilst some are preparing to weather the storm, for many, the choice between heating and eating is becoming a stark reality. There are things we can do to reduce our outgoings and help stretch our money that little bit further. As part of Advice …

Making the Most of our Money as Consumers – #simplifyspending Read More »

Pumpkins: The Fruit, The Whole Fruit, and Nothing but the Fruit (Well it’s also a Legume Actually)

Pumpkins have become a staple symbol of Halloween in Western society. According to, in 2021, Brits will spend a massive £25.1 million on pumpkins. Although this seems like a exorbitant amount, it is estimated that this is still 15% less than in 2020, when over £29 million was spent. Jack-o’-lanterns, and decorative pumpkins can …

Pumpkins: The Fruit, The Whole Fruit, and Nothing but the Fruit (Well it’s also a Legume Actually) Read More »

Avoiding Fire Hazards this Halloween

Halloween is a time of excitement for many of us (adults and children alike). The build up to the big day, and getting our costumes organised to celebrate with family, friends, and other like-minded members of our communities is all part of the fun. Whilst it is a time of happiness and merriment, we should …

Avoiding Fire Hazards this Halloween Read More »

Something Old, Something New: How Upcycled Furniture can Help the Planet, Without Breaking the Bank

In 2020, the Scottish government announced a list of projects which will receive funding from 2020 to 2022 as part of Scotland’s ‘Climate Challenge Fund’ – a public initiative aimed at supporting Scotland’s communities in acting against climate change. The campaign is managed by ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’, supporting community-led projects and enterprises which target carbon-based emissions …

Something Old, Something New: How Upcycled Furniture can Help the Planet, Without Breaking the Bank Read More »

White Goods: New energy efficiency regulations will make household appliances more affordable and sustainable

An announcement from the UK Government on March 10th, 2021 outlined plans to implement legislation which will make appliances like fridges, washing machines, and televisions cheaper to run and longer lasting. UK consumers will soon find that their home appliances have a longer lifespan and greater cost-effectiveness, following the announcement of new energy efficiency legislation …

White Goods: New energy efficiency regulations will make household appliances more affordable and sustainable Read More »

Gizmos and Gadgets – Avoiding Impulse Purchases and Understanding Consumer Psychology

For most of us, the purchase of a new gadget is exciting.  Opening the box and holding something which feels and looks shiny and new can be a great feeling. This interaction between the shiny new item, the act of opening the packaging and the anticipation of the experience is an important driver in encouraging …

Gizmos and Gadgets – Avoiding Impulse Purchases and Understanding Consumer Psychology Read More »

New Threads? Vintage/Upcycled Clothing and the Benefits for the Consumer and the Environment

‘Second-hand’ fashion was a phrase once synonymous with older sibling hand-me-downs, wear-and-tear patches on old school blazers and ‘growing into’ trousers. However, in 2019, vintage items are not only coming into their own but are very often trendier than some of the newly produced ‘fast-fashion’ items out there. In our article looking at climate change, we …

New Threads? Vintage/Upcycled Clothing and the Benefits for the Consumer and the Environment Read More »

Climate Change: Consumer Responsibilities and Activities in Reducing Our Negative Impact on the World

The topic currently on everyone’s lips (and quite rightly so) is the impact that our actions are having on the environment. With carbon emissions causing harmful greenhouse gasses, increasing the rate of global warming and irreversibly changing ecosystems, it has never been more important for us as a species to act more responsibly and ensure …

Climate Change: Consumer Responsibilities and Activities in Reducing Our Negative Impact on the World Read More »